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A Quarter of GDP

Hello from Impact Delta.

Global GDP down 25%? The G30 Working Group on Climate Change and Finance, co-chaired by Janet Yellen and Mark Carney, published a report last Thursday. In it, the G30 suggests global GDP might fall by a quarter by 2100 if steps are not taken to speed the transition away from fossil fuels. A carbon tax – the report suggests starting at $40 per ton – might help.

Getting Paid for Good Behavior – While not all investing is impact investing, all investing has impact. A growing number of mainstream firms are exploring how to understand and manage their social and environmental footprint more systematically. Published today, our white paper Getting Paid for Good Behavior explains.

ESG and PE – The Missing Pieces – Kirkland and Ellis are hosting a webinar on October 22. Harvard Management Company, McKinsey and Warburg Pincus are also represented.

The Facts. In each issue, I share a few facts. The Greenland ice sheet lost 532 billion metric tons of ice in 2019, with 223 billion lost in July alone. Between 2003 and 2016, average ice loss was 255 billion tons per year.

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About Impact Delta

A secular shift towards a more responsible capitalism is underway. Impact Delta is a specialist consultancy founded to help investment firms capitalize on this shift. We believe good environmental and social thinking helps investment firms raise capital and earn better returns. More about us here.

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