Impact Delta launches strategic collaboration with Scope 3 Climate Capital CIC.
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Impact Delta is an advisory firm founded to accelerate the adoption of a more responsible capitalism.
We advise investors on the firm-wide environmental and social impact of their activities, and develop dedicated impact investing and ESG-focused businesses.
What We Do

Aligning Returns with Positive Impact

We partner with investment firms, generally in private equity, real estate and infrastructure, to help them improve their ESG and impact capabilities. We work with investing and operating leaders to craft firmwide strategy, launch dedicated impact products and improve data collection and management. We believe these activities lead to higher returns and better asset-raising performance.
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April 18, 2024
Do net zero banks finance less carbon? | 57 companies, 80% of emissions | AI's growing energy needs | SBTI's wobble on Scope 3 | Governments water down commitments
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February 29, 2024
Future scenarios for the Inflation Reduction Act | The political durability of the IRA | The European carbon price collapse | Will your next car be Chinese? | Much warmer oceans in 2024
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January 31, 2024
Morningstar's report on proxy voting of US and European equity managers on ESG topics | Morgan Stanley looks "European" | Exxon sues its shareholders | The 35:1 ratio of nature-negative to -positive flows
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December 14, 2023
COP's "phase down" of fossil fuels | Surpassing 1.5 degrees by 2030 | Continued mainstreaming of impact investing | Impact strategies and real assets | Impact might lower return...and risk too
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November 14, 2023
Pessimism ahead of COP in Dubai | Loss and damage ahead of schedule | Climate tech funding plummets | Small shares of funding to big emissions sources | The ROI of pro-climate government spending | CalPERS commits $100bn
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October 04, 2023
A proliferation of climate frameworks is an opportunity for AI to harmonize analysis | Reporting for carbon vs. accounting for it | Is governance taken for granted?
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Perspectives on impact investing and ESG-related topics
Opinions vary on the role of private capital in the supply of water. With appropriate guardrails, opportunities for impact, and solid returns, exist.
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A stronger focus on sustainability (environmental and social) is linked to stronger financial performance - especially at the level of individual companies. The evidence is less clear that investment products marketed as ESG-aligned outperform broader market benchmarks. At least three things help explain this inconsistency.
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What metrics can companies use to measure the experience of women in the workplace more consistently? We take stock of the current state of measurement by evaluating the current parties involved in reporting, and then present a suite of metrics, drawn from Wharton’s Four for Women initiative, that companies can use to collect and report.
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This paper is the product of a collaboration between Dream and Impact Delta. Dream is one of Canada’s leading real estate companies, whose purpose is to deliver strong returns while delivering positive impact in the communities where it works. We advised Dream on the launch of its impact investing strategy, which is outlined here.
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Growing numbers of investors believe they must understand the full financial, environmental and social impact of their decisions. What tools exist to help them? This paper, published in October 2020 and revised a year later, explores externalities in investment decision-making. While externalities are hard to measure, more progress on this question has been made than many mainstream investors realize.
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Asset owners’ decisions affect people over the world, so they want to know if investment managers’ ESG efforts are serious. This post explores eight things asset owners can do to evaluate the sustainability performance their managers. We divide the checklist into two parts: things to do now, and things to form a view on over time.
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